[This post is for my own notes] Difference in Normal C++ and UE4 C++CDO v.s. ConstructorBasically the constructor of a C++ UObject is called in the following cases: Engine Start: construction of CDO,…

Time flies so fast that I suddenly realized that I have spent almost a whole year on my Unreal-based robot simulator project, Pavilion. In the process of implementing that concept, I have grown up as…

Disclaimer: This post assumes that you have adequate knowledge on basic usage of the LLVM library! LLVM is great. Yes. But LLVM is full of caveats and especially when it comes to documentation. Most of…

Disclaimer: This article is written while the author is drunk. Expect errors and grammar mistakes. There's been something lurking in my mind for years–something that can be described as a dream, or more precisely,…