A book list for prospective CS students.

  1. 《哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫:集异璧之大成》(大名鼎鼎的GEB/MUST READ no matter what)
  2. John Stillwell 《数学及其历史》(Math step by step)
  3. 数学桥:对高等数学的一次观赏之旅》(Especially Recommended for Newbies)
  4. Felix Klein《高观点下的初等数学(全3册)》(Show you the real magic of math)
  5. Kailai Chung 《初等概率论(第4版)(英文版)》(Very good introductory material)
  6. Richard Feynman《费恩曼物理学讲义(第1卷)》(You know why)
  7. R. Bryant, et al. 《深入理解计算机系统(英文版•第2版)》(MUST READ for CS)
  8. R. Graham《具体数学:计算机科学基础(英文版第2版)》(Take this as an appetizer for TAOCP)
  9. P. Horowitz, W. Hill《The Art of Electronics》(中文《电子学》 MUST READ for all prospective engineers)
  10. Use bookfi.net if you want free PDFs :)