// Sun Tsu's Extraordinary Work: Chinese Remainder Theorem A main discipline of linear algebra is to study the decomposition of "spaces". That is to say, to split a space to its non-splittable subspaces. Interestingly, in the…
Abstract Fear is the deepest emotion one can ever feel. It has many implicit effects on our mind, affecting all aspects of our thinking. Thus, fear should be seriously stressed in virtually any attempt to…
Introduction It's extremely painful to try so many times doing the physics experiment simulation - especially when you have no knowledge of the actual rules of judgement. Now we will make the change. All judgement…
Tired of punching calculators? Bookmark this and open your URP System. Navigate to “综合查询 》 本学期成绩“ and click the bookmark. Done! Add this to your bookmark function defer(a){window.$?a():setTimeout(function(){defer(a)},50)…
Obtaining the Software Microsoft has a student program called DreamSpark which has a number of free-for-use commercial software including Windows Server Series & Visual Studio Series. Simply follow the instructions and verify your identity, then…